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Another problem is the amount of global database saves

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"In 2001 it was not as numerous websites about what it takes to play Diablo 2 'correctly' (Baal can be played for XP or Pindleskin/Ancient sewers for D2R Ladder Items the magic find, etc)," PezRadar said. "Today the new player can seek out many amazing content creators who can instruct players what to do in a variety of ways.

Many of them including lots of database load that is creating load, then destroying games quickly. Although we knew this was possible--with players creating new characters on their servers that are fresh, doing their best to get their magical items, we greatly underestimated the extent of what we learned from beta testing."

Another problem is the amount of global database saves, which happen too often for no good reason. Blizzard is making some tweaks to ease things up currently and is developing a permanent solution, but it's some time away because it's "an architecture overhaul that requires time to construct and test, before implementing."

In the moment, Blizzard is taking three steps to help to make Diablo 2: Resurrected more reliably accessible: Rate limiting this will place the limit on how rapidly and frequently players can play and join games; the development of an MMO-style login queue to ensure servers aren't smashed by a large number of simultaneous logins. Also, splitting essential functions into smaller functions.

However, those steps may end up alienating a part from the Diablo 2: Resurrected player base all on their own. Players who reach their rate limits, for instance, will get an error message stating that there's a problem communicating with game servers.

The situation isn't too difference from what they're running into now (but hopefully, it will happen less frequently and to the smallest number of people) Login queues could mean that players face lengthy waits before they're allowed into the game. Both are more efficient than the current state however D2R Items for sale, they're not going to do much in addressing the calls for widespread change to completely eradicate these irritants.

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