
What are some easy ways to add greenery to my home without a lot of maintenance?

Started by Garnet Williamson · 12 Replies
Posted: 4 w Report
What are some low-maintenance options for adding greenery to my home?

Avatar Libby Rosenbaum Joined: 3 yrs

Posted: 7 hrs Report
One easy way to add greenery to your home with minimal maintenance is to opt for low-light houseplants such as snake plants or pothos. These plants can thrive with little sunlight and are easy to care for.

Avatar Garett Heathcote Joined: 3 yrs

Posted: 7 hrs Report
Consider incorporating artificial plants or succulents into your home decor. They require no maintenance other than the occasional dusting and look just as good as real plants.

Avatar Cecil Kutch Joined: 3 yrs

Posted: 7 hrs Report
Another option is to hang or place air plants in glass terrariums. They require a light misting every now and then but are otherwise very low maintenance.

Avatar Wilber Ortiz Joined: 3 yrs

Posted: 7 hrs Report
You can also add a touch of greenery by placing small potted herbs in your kitchen. Herbs like basil, mint, and parsley are easy to grow and maintain.

Avatar Briana Konopelski Joined: 2 yrs

Posted: 7 hrs Report
If you have a busy schedule, consider setting up a small automatic watering system for your plants. This can help ensure they receive the proper amount of water without much effort on your part.

Avatar Vivianne Barton Joined: 3 yrs

Posted: 7 hrs Report
Opt for indoor plants that are known for their hardiness, such as spider plants or aloe vera. These plants can withstand neglect and are perfect for those who don't have a green thumb.

Avatar Lenora Steuber Joined: 3 yrs

Posted: 7 hrs Report
Utilize hanging planters to add greenery to your home without taking up valuable floor space. Hanging plants also tend to require less maintenance than those on the ground.

Avatar Leopoldo Monahan Joined: 3 yrs

Posted: 7 hrs Report
Try your hand at vertical gardening by installing a living wall or creating a plant shelf. This allows you to incorporate more greenery into your space without cluttering it.

Avatar Brando Heidenreich Joined: 3 yrs

Posted: 7 hrs Report
Consider investing in self-watering pots or planters, which can help regulate the amount of water your plants receive and reduce your maintenance duties.

Avatar Tom Rath Joined: 3 yrs

Posted: 7 hrs Report
Grow your own microgreens or sprouts indoors. These edible plants are easy to cultivate and require minimal maintenance while providing a fresh touch of green to your home.
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