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Best Elden Ring talismans locations

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We’ve selected the best Elden Ring talismans to inform you where you will find them, the things they're doing, and where you'll get pouches to help you equip much more of them.

Want to know what the very best Elden Ring talismans are? Talismans are Elden Ring’s version of rings from previous Souls games. Each talisman bestows a passive buff, with effects that range from general boons like faster stamina regen to increased damage for that final attack inside a twin-blade combo.

You will find an array of the very best Elden Ring talismans within the RPG game’s vast open world; some in treasure chests in Elden Ring dungeons, some drop as loot from enemies and bosses, yet others can be bought from merchants. Though their utility will be different based on your Elden Ring build and which of the very best Elden Ring weapons you’re using, talismans give a much-needed bit of support when dealing with Elden Ring bosses. As you progress to tougher areas, you will come across upgraded versions of talismans with an increase in effects and then expand the amount of equipped talismans with pouches.

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All Elden Ring talisman locations

Here are our picks for the very best Elden Ring talismans:

Arsenal Charm

Assassin’s Crimson Dagger

Concealing Veil

Curved Sword Talisman

Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman

Erdtree’s Favor

Godskin Swaddling Cloth

Gold Scarab

Green Turtle Talisman

Twinblade Talisman

Arsenal Charm

This talisman boosts your maximum equipment load by 15%. You understand this from talking with Nephali in Roundtable Hold after summoning her and beating Godrick the Grafted.

You will find an upgraded version, which provides you with an additional 17% equipped load, in Altus Tunnel. In the second cave, head with the tunnel towards the south until you look for a wooden balcony alongside a pit. Drop the left side and land around the roots below. Climb up the roots to achieve a ledge above you, in which a corpse clutches to the Arsenal +1 talisman.

You may also find the Great-Jar’s Arsenal by completing The Great-Jar’s challenge to defeat three duelists in Dragonbarrow. You can access the el born area by going back to the surface in the Siofra Deep River well. Equipping this talisman boosts your maximum equip load with a whopping 19%.

Assassin’s Crimson Dagger

Critical Hits restore roughly 20% of the total HP. It’s an incentive for beating Black Knife Assassin in Deathtouched Catacombs dungeon in Limgrave.

Concealing Veil

Conceals wearer while crouching from foes. Drops in the Black Knife Assassin present in Sage’s Cave in Altus Plateau.

Curved Sword Talisman

Enhances guard counters. Found inside a treasure chest inside a dark room within the wine cellar of Stormveil Castle. You have to clear el born area to continue into Stormveil Castle anyway, but it’s possible to miss the chest within the room as it’s so dark.

Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman

This is a superb one for melee-focused players. It provides a massive boost to physical damage negation, adding +20 to any or all of the relevant stats.

You will find it with an elevated platform inside a building within the northeast part of Elphael, Brace from the Haligtree. You can get to the access point by visiting the Drainage Channel Site of Grace, but it’s guarded by Pests.

Erdtree’s Favor

Increases maximum HP, stamina, and equip load. You can select it as being a Keepsake within the character creator or find it within the Fringe folk Hero’s Cave in Limgrave.

You may also find higher-tier versions of the talisman. To get the Erdtree’s Favor +1 variant, go to the boss room within the Subterranean Shunning-Grounds, in which you fight Mohg, the Omen. You can risk it by opening the chest area mid-fight, but it’s far better to get it once Mohg’s dead.

The Erdtree’s Favor +2 variant is on the tree within the far east of Leyndell, Ashen Captial, near the elevator close to the Forbidden Lands and East Altus Diving Tower. You’ll have to backtrack in the Forbidden Lands Site of Grace to achieve this talisman.

Godskin Swaddling Cloth

Successive attacks restore HP. Drops in the Godskin Apostle Godskin Noble boss fight in Spiritcaller’s Cave, within the Mountaintops from the Giants region.

Gold Scarab

This Talisman increases the number of runes you receive from enemies. This is around a 20% increase, however, the effect can be stacked along with other rune-boosting items. You understand this as an incentive for beating the 2 Cleanrot Knights within the Abandoned Cave in Caelid.

Green Turtle Talisman

Raises stamina recovery speed. Found inside a turtle-filled area in Summonwater Village, unlocked by an Imp Statue.

Twinblade Talisman

Enhances the ultimate hit ending a series of attacks. It can be found inside a chest around the battlements of Castle Morne.

How to obtain Elden Ring Talisman Pouches

Talisman pouches permit you to equip more talismans at the same time. There is merely a handful of these within the game, here is in which you get additional Elden Ring talisman slots:

Talisman Pouch #1 – this drops once you beat Margit the Fell Omen.

Talisman Pouch #2 – this is often acquired from Finger Reader Enia, that old person you discover by Two Fingers in Roundtable Hold. You can only get this once you’ve acquired any two Elden Ring Great Runes.

Talisman Pouch #3 – you receive this for defeating Godfrey, in Leyndell, Royal Capital.

These are a handful of great Elden Ring talismans we’ve found.

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