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P2Pah: We're just beginning Can you provide us with an outline of how Legion is a part of the existing story?

wang yue

Unfortunately, some of their methods were misunderstood by their fellow brethren. They were smuggled out of the country and put into jail. You're playing as one of the Illidan's followers. When the Legion returns, it's, "Well, do we wish to risk it against these reb

With Legion's arrival nearing upon our doorstep, we had a chat with the lead game WOTLK Gold creator Luis Barriga, technical game designer Chad Nervig, and character designer Genevieve St-Michel . They discuss the long-running expansion in more detail, delving into the specifics of Legion's ambitious modifications and examining the plans for post-launch by the team.

P2Pah: We're just beginning Can you provide us with an outline of how Legion is a part of the existing story?

Barriga: The premise of the expansion is the 3rd coming of the Burning Legion to Azeroth. They've tried to attack us twice and we've defeated them in the past. This leads us to the first major feature I'm really over the moon about, which is Demon Hunters. Demon Hunters is the Special Forces branch of the Elves, or elves as you would call them they were Demon Hunters. The most powerful. The only thing they were trained for was fighting demons and hunting them down.

Unfortunately, some of their methods were misunderstood by their fellow brethren. They were smuggled out of the country and put into jail. You're playing as one of the Illidan's followers. When the Legion returns, it's, "Well, do we wish to risk it against these rebellious Demon Hunters or do we prefer to concede defeat?" The brave guys decide to bite the bullet , and allow the"real" World of Warcraft out, and that's when Demon Hunters come in.

We discussed revisiting the concept that there were Demon Hunters, revisiting Illidan I was most excited because we would be able to tell the story we were unable to tell prior. Perhaps if you didn't feel for Illidan but you could see the motivations he had. We'd like to alter the tone and alter the direction by 15 degrees, 20-degrees, however we would like it to be respectful of the characters who were introduced. The players will be able to see returning characters like Alturus, Akama, Illidan Maiev, and others. All characters that we sown the seeds of these stories long back, long before Burning Crusade.

What is the way that the story will be organized how will the story be structured in Legion? Are there only a few linear story, or is the story fragmented in some manner?

St-Michel: The overall storyline can be found in your class halls, so you won't be missing any of the overarching story. It's generally an enjoyable experience for people who play a many different charactersand characters. You can begin in one zone for one character, then move to a different zone for another, and you can see every single story that lie within the zones. However, the overall story is continuing to be told through the class order halls.

St-Michel: They're kind of similar to the natural progression of Garrisons but we've put in hours of effort to make them more powerful and integrate them into the gameplay. Class Order Halls are sort of bringing everything back to the original story when the Horde and Alliance face off against the most formidable threat of all time that is The Burning Legion. The classes all decide to join forces within themselves. You gather these personal heroes we have learned from our lore, and take them into cheap WOTLK Classic Gold your fold to assist you in removing the danger.

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