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It's been a significant issue for us too! Lost Ark

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In the last couple of weeks, Lost Ark has lost around 300.000 players according SteamDB and Steamcharts and SteamDB. This massively popular action MMORPG Lost Ark Gold, which launched to ridiculous levels of popularity earlier this year, appears to have erased a significant amount of players as a result of a recent ban announcement that resulted in a massive drop.

If you're not in the know, the folks at Amazon Game Studios have been battling an ongoing botting problem for some time now. Through various blog posts, which coincide with significant updates the issue of botting has been an almost constant appearance, and the ongoing race between developers and cheaters has trucked along over several months.

It's been a significant issue for us too! Lost Ark, having already been for a while in Korea along with Russia for some time before the release in western markets, practically launched with an existing botting system that were sharpening their teeth on the earlier versions of the game. This botting issue has produced some gruelling side effects too, as a healthy real-money trading environment has grown thanks to the ample number of bots in the game, farming content, and making in-game riches.

If you're not certain what the problem is, bots farming resources and money all day long add a large amount of money into the game that players with a little knowledge are able to purchase. The over-inflated quantity of gold in the economy leads to inflation, yes you read that right - inflation. This means that Ted the construction worker arriving home after a long day at work will see useful materials drifting further and further outside his budget. Not necessarily a problem for those who have extra time Cheap Lost Ark Gold, or who have no issues purchasing gold, however, it is a difficult situation for people who play casually and are who are morally opposed to real money trading to find themselves in.

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