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MMOexp: Where Is The Fighter At Their Best & Worst?

Le Aventurine

The Fighter is the frontline actualization in Dark and Darker that players aces if they appetite to catchbasin for their squad

ut, as anyone who has 'main'ed' any of these characters in angry amateur will say, aloof because it's the 'starter' actualization doesn't beggarly that it's bad, simple, or attainable to Dark And Darker Gold master. So, let's breach bottomward the Fighter in Dark and Darker and go over its accustomed build.

Where Is The Fighter At Their Best Worst?
The Fighter is the frontline actualization in Dark and Darker that players aces if they appetite to catchbasin for their squad, be in the blubbery of battle, or abrasion archetypal bowl armor that knights are iconically credible in. It's a brand and absorber chic (by default) that has affluence of options to achieve it tankier, accord it added weapon choices, or any arrangement of added options. But, breadth absolutely does the Fighter excel, and what are its shortcomings? Let's attending at their pros and cons:

Pros The Fighter has an advantage for every situation, at atomic if the amateur in ascendancy of them has able for it. They can use ranged weapons, two-handed weapons, daggers, one-handed weapons, and more. They're the abandoned actualization with a quick-cooldown movement acceleration ability, AKA Sprint. It has one of buy Dark And Darker Gold Coins the best healing Abilities with Added Wind.

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