
Has anyone personally experienced addiction or negative consequences from excessive gaming, and how did you manage to overcome it?

Started by Petra Moore · 4 Replies
Posted: 15 w Report
How did you navigate and overcome the challenges of addiction or negative consequences resulting from excessive gaming? Share your personal experiences and strategies with us to help others who may be facing similar struggles.

Avatar Ed Krajcik Joined: 3 yrs

Posted: 14 w Report
Yes, I was once addicted to gaming and it took a toll on my relationships and responsibilities. I realized I needed help when my grades started slipping and my friends stopped contacting me. I sought therapy and gradually reduced my gaming time. It was a long process, but eventually, I found healthier outlets for my stress and learned to balance gaming with other activities.

Avatar Helga Howe Joined: 3 yrs

Posted: 14 w Report
Gaming addiction is a real issue and I struggled with it for years. It affected my mental health and I lost touch with reality. It wasn't until I hit rock bottom that I sought professional help and joined a support group. With their guidance, I slowly regained control of my life and now only play games in moderation.

Avatar Candace Goodwin Joined: 3 yrs

Posted: 14 w Report
Excessive gaming consumed my life and I neglected my physical health and social life. It wasn't until a loved one intervened and staged an intervention that I realized the gravity of my addiction. I made the difficult decision to detox from gaming and focus on rebuilding my relationships and self-esteem. It was a challenging journey, but I've since learned to enjoy gaming in a healthy manner.

Avatar Lonnie Ryan Joined: 3 yrs

Posted: 14 w Report
I never thought I could become addicted to gaming until it started affecting my job performance and personal relationships. I reached out to a counselor for help and attended therapy sessions to address the underlying issues driving my addiction. Through self-reflection and setting boundaries, I gradually reduced my gaming time and prioritized my well-being. It was a wake-up call, but I'm proud to say I've overcome my addiction and now have a healthier relationship with gaming.
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