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Life Staff Weapons Guide and Buildings in the New World

David Lin

Helping their allies The Life Staff user helps to keep everyone healthy with potent healing and debuff removal.

With powerful healing abilities and buffs and buffs, the Life Staff user supports their allies with their mystical power. Since they are the only weapon for healing in the game it is the Life Staff user is often sought-after across all kinds of content.

Life Staff Overview

Helping their allies The Life Staff user helps to keep everyone healthy with potent healing and debuff removal. Since it is the only weapon that focuses on healing in New World, the Life Staff is in hot demand for content that is group-based. While there aren't any fixed classes for players in New World, the traditional MMO function of healer is only fulfilled with the help of the Life Staff. However, this doesn't mean it is not a good single weapon, in fact it is a great weapon to have in your arsenal. Life Staff does decent damage and is able to unleash powerful attacks at no cost after taking its First Mastery Point.

Life Staff Attributes

It is the only weapon that Life Staff scales with Focus which provides multiple mana and healing break-points. Although no other weapon can scale with Focus however, you can make use of the Amber Amber gem to convert other weapon's damage partially to Nature damage. Once converted, the damage will scale according to Focus.

It's vital to obtain Constitution, especially if you plan to PvP, because you'll eventually be harmed and we recommend looking out for equipment that offers the best of both Focus and Constitution. Faction armor could provide a balance of Focus and Constitution, but you will have to convert it using a Seal. It is possible to purchase an Syndicate Cleric Seal Syndicate Cleric Seal at your Faction vendor located in the top portion of the shop. You can take this Seal along with the piece of gear from your faction you want to attribute swap to the bench of crafting that is in its place and there should be a new recipe for you to complete.

In PvE In PvE, your job is to assist in keeping your group healthy while remaining alive. Tanks within New World do not have the ability to use spammable taunts in order to draw attention on enemies, and often the healer may draw aggro from healing someone within the group. If this happens make sure to move around in such an approach that tank can pull aggro off you.

For abilities, we recommend for abilities, we recommend Sacred Ground Sacred Ground, Splash of Light Splash of Light and Light's"Light's Embrace. Sacred Ground can be a powerful ground-based heal that enhances stamina and mana regeneration by using Holy Ground Holy Ground, while also increasing all healing with Blessed Blessed. Splash of Light heals all members of the group for a minimal amount, but also removes debuffs. Early on, there are no enemies who apply nasty debuffs; however, later on a good debuff removal may be the most crucial factor in deciding whether you're alive or dead. In the end, Light's Emblem is a specific heal that heals one player in a significant amount.

In PvP the role of the player is to help keep your group healthy while being alive. We suggest the use of Sacred Ground Sacred Ground, Beacon Beacon, and Light's Embrace Light's Embrace to enhance your capabilities. Light's Embrace has been known to perform poorly during Wars because of its lag. Therefore, you can switch that out for Orb of Protection Orb of Protection when you encounter these scenarios. Sacred Ground is extremely strong when it comes to group PvP because it allows you to create an area with guaranteed healing for your players to be able to stand within. This is particularly strong in Wars where you are able to put it on an objective point.

The Life Staff like other weapons, is equipped with six different abilities; however, you can only make use of three at any give time . The action bars are your only weapon. Although you are able to spend Mastery Points for more than 3, it is a waste of points as respeccing is relatively inexpensive to perform.

Divine Embrace Divine Emblem EmbraceTarget is healed for 150% damage to the weapon. This targeted heal can heal one player with a reasonable amount of healing on cast. The Ability comes with some casting duration and has a higher mana cost and cooldown as compared to the other heal targeted that Light's Embrace Light's Empower. We would only recommend using this Ability when you feel you need two targeted heals.

Sacred Ground Sacred Ground -- Create an area of ground that can last for up to 15 minutes and will heal 20% of weapon damage every second. This is a powerful ability as it can not only heal for an extensive amount over time, but it can boost stamina as well as mana regeneration, Holy Ground Holy Ground, and increases all incoming healing with Blessed Blessed. Since it heals over time, you are more likely to not waste any healing . It is easily your strongest group heal.

Splash of Light Splash of Light -- Everyone in the group within 100m will be healed for 50% weapon damage. This is fantastic because you don't need to aim it and you are able to heal people in groups that are somewhat far away. It's not even necessary to be within sight of those who you treat.

Orbs of Protection Orbs of Protection -- Shoot out the projectile, which grants 10 percent Fortify for 20 minutes, heals an ally for 10% of weapon damage and also deals 146% weapon damage whenever it hits an opponent. This projectile could be difficult to hit if you don't have the right time and concentration, but it can be used offensively in addition.

Light's Emrace Light's Emracetargeted heal that deals 100% weapon damage +30% for every buff that hits the targeted. This targeted heal is very powerful, particularly once players start to buff themselves, increasing their heal significantly. Even buffs such as Sacred Protection Sacred Protection and Spirits United Spirits United appear to increase the amount of healing.

Beacon Beacon -shoots out a bright projectile which deals 146% weapon damage to enemies, attaches to the target and heals all allies nearby for 20% damage to the weapon each Second for 10 secs. This is a fantastic heal-over time that can move around with whomever you've attached it to. Ideal for applying it to a boss or monster pack and also for sticking to an objective point in PvP.

Like other weapons such as unlike other weapons, the Life Staff has two Mastery trees. You can spend Mastery Points in either tree , but must possess a Mastery from the previous row to choose the higher Masteries. In the same way, if a mastery is connected by a vertical line, it to a Mastery that is higher than it, you need to select the mastery that is higher to unlock the lower. These Masteries that are linked together typically have abilities which are denoted by a square-shaped icon.

While you can unlock all six abilities in one go, you will only be capable of placing 3 abilities in your actions bar at a given time. It's not recommended to spend more than three abilities since it is simple to change the spec. The Ultimate Mastery Point can be obtained after you spend 10 Mastery Points on its tree. It is not possible to earn additional Mastery Points, modify your Points, change your action bar, or unequip your weapon while a particular ability is cooling down.

The Healing Tree focuses mostly on helping allies that are at or below half health. Absolved Absolved is also a noteworthy Mastery skill which we strongly recommend starting with on each Life Staff build, because it can make the Light and Heavy attacks cost any mana. Without this passive the Light Attack will cost 2 mana and each Heavy attack will cost you 5 mana.

The Sacred Protection will increase the healing of all healing received, and Intensify will increase your healing after Heavy Attacking. Purify It is excellent for getting rid of debuffs across the group because the ability to repair Touch Mending Touch can be a bit difficult to get. Its Ultimate Mastery Divine Divine Blessing significantly increases the healing you do for allies with low health.

This Tree is about giving you buffs and your allies. Spirits United Spirits United provides an all-purpose mana regeneration buff for your group and you. Protector's Strength Protector's Strong makes you heal for more while you're getting a buff and Protector's Touch Protector's Contact makes your Light and Heavy Attacks grant a 15% Fortify buff for 3 seconds when hitting an enemy. Its Super Mastery, Magnify Magnify, assists the Light's Embrace ability.

Every Weapon Ability within New World has a corresponding perk that can be found on the armor and weapons. The majority of perks increase in power according to the Gear Score of the item they're on. You are only able to benefit from one instance of a Weapon Ability perk at a time. They can be difficult to find on gear , and are generally as a bonus.

Refreshing Divine Embrace - Divine Embrace - Divine Embrace - Divine -- Using Divine Embrace on an opponent with less than 50% health, it reduces the duration of the cooldown by a percentage. This Perk is nice if you are using Divine Embrace, there's no reason to not avail it if have the ability to.

Fortifying Sacred Ground Fortifying Sacred Ground -It is Allies healed from Sacred Ground gain Fortify, increasing the amount of damage they absorb by a percent for five seconds. This is a fantastic perk that you should always make sure to include on your gear since Sacred Ground is one of the most powerful abilities you could be blessed with and Fortify gives those who are equipped with it harder to kill.

Energy-inspiring Splash Of Light Energizing Splash Of Light -- Allies that are hit by Splash of Light gain some Stamina. While a little Stamina might not seem like an issue, for a tank this can be the difference between being able to stop the next attack or not. This is a great perk to get.

Mending Protection Mending protection -Enhance healing power by a percentage over five seconds if Orb of Protection heals an Ally with no active buffs. This Perk is not ideal due to the fact that almost everyone will be sporting some kind of buff in combat. Whether its a buff from you or one of their own buffs for combat, it is rare that there isn't any kind of buff, making this Perk completely unusable.

Accelerating Light's Accelerating Light's Emrace Allies below full health gain Haste when hit with Light's Embrace. It increases the speed of movement by a percentage for 3 seconds. This is a great perk for PvE and PvP allowing your allies to move a little quicker.

Revitializing Beacon Revitializing beaconThe use of Beacon boosts the self's healing capacity by the amount of 12 minutes. The ability to increase healing power is a fantastic Perk and helps make Beacon even more desirable as an Ability to use. If you're using Beacon then you should consider this Perk on your gear.

The process of leveling as Life Staff is a bit different from other weapons because of its support nature. It is definitely possible to concentrate in the Life Staff as soon as you can get one but it's best in a group.

For a start, however the first Mastery you choose to use must be absolved to ensure that your attacks are mana-free. We then start to build up and increase the power of Sacred Ground Sacred Ground because it's an effective healer. You can put it onto the ground to combat your enemies and then heal them while knocking them down.

Then, you can follow the instructions to take Splash of Light Splash of Light and then go to the Protector Tree to purchase Bend Light Bend Light, Protector's Touch Protector's Touch, and Light's Embrace Light's Empower.

Sacred Protection Sacred Protection is a great next pick because it effectively boosts your healing by five percent. Then follow it up with Revitalize Revitalize to shorten your cooldowns as well as Blissful Blissful Touch to make the attacks help allies heal. The ability to max out Splash of Light Splash of Light then follow with Shared Recovery Shared Recovery and Purify Purify help clear annoying debuffs and recover some mana after use.

Divine Blessing Divine blessing is an incredible boost on any heal that is aimed at a low health allies. After that, finish up in the form of Inspire Inspire, Spirits United Spirits United and Protector's Strength. Protector's Strength, DesperateSpeed DesperateSpeed, and finally Intensify intensify.

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