Which Messages Will I Get On Vibetag
You'll get messages in your Chats list from people according to your privacy setting s on Vibetag.
Delete and archive messages
To delete a conversation from Vibetag:
In the top right of your Vibetag account, click messages.
Click the conversation you want to delete.
At the top of the chat, click .
Click Delete Chat, and then click Delete Chat.
Bear in mind that deleting a conversation from your Chats list won't delete it from your friend's Chats list.
Can I retrived deleted Message On VibeTag
No. Deleting a message permanently removes it from your chat list. Instead, you can archive a message to hide it from your chat list.
How do I search for a conversation on Vibetag
You can search for a Vibetag chat conversation, or you can search for a specific message in a Vibetag chat conversation.
To search for a chat conversation on Vibetag:
From , click Messages in the left menu.
Below Chats, click Search Messenger in the top left.
Search for a contact name, the conversation name or keywords. If you're searching for a keyword, click Search messages for "[keyword]".
To search for a specific message in a chat conversation on Vibetag:
From , click Messaging in the left menu.
Open the conversation you want to search.
Click in the top right.
Click Search in conversation.
Search for a keyword in the search bar that appears at the top of the conversation.