Abuse and spam

Abuse and spam

You can report inappropriate posts, comments or people that aren't following our Community Guidelines or Terms of Use right when you see them by using our built-in reporting features.

Keep in mind that your report is anonymous, except if you are reporting an intellectual property infringement. The account you reported will not see who reported them.

If someone leaves an inappropriate comment on your post, you can delete it.


If you have a VibeTag account, you can report a profile or content on VibeTag that doesn't follow our Community Guidelines.

Currently, you can report a post for any of the following reasons:

- Spam

- Nudity or sexual activity

- Hate speech or symbols

- Violence or dangerous organisations

- Bullying or harassment

- Selling illegal or regulated goods

- Intellectual property violations

- Suicide or self-injury


How do I report a comment on Vibetag

If you see comments that aren't following our Community Guidelines, you can report them. To report a comment:

1 Tap on  the post.

2 On the right side of the comment, there's an and info icon to report.

3 Tap on the icon to see options

3 Click on report and select the type of report

4 You will get a notification that your report has been sent to VibeTag support.

Keep in mind that your report is anonymous, except if you are reporting an intellectual property infringement. The account you reported will not see who reported them.

If someone leaves an inappropriate comment on your post, you can delete it.


How do I report a profile on VibeTag

1 Tap on the user's profile name

2 On the top right next to follow and unfollow, tap the 3 dots option

3 Tap on report profile and click type of report

4 You will receive a notification of report submission

5 Our support community team will review your report at once.


How do I report a post

1 Tap on the option at the right side of the post

2 Tap on the report post option

3 Tap on the option where the report follow under

4 You will receive a notification of report submission

5 Our support community team will review your report at once.


How do I report messages that was sent to me or stop someone from messaging me

1 Tap on the dot open on the right side of that user's window 

2 Tap on report option or tap on the particular message to see report option

3 Tap on the type of report that is appropriate on given options

4 Tap sent and you will receive a notification that your report has been sent. 


How do I avoid scams on VibeTag

Scams on VibeTag happen when people create fake accounts or hack into existing Instagram accounts you've followed. The scammers use these fake or compromised accounts to trick you into giving them money or personal information.


Things to watch out for:

- People asking you for money who you don't know in person.

- People asking you to send them money or gift cards to receive a loan, prize or other winnings.

- Anyone asking you to pay a fee in order to apply for a job.

- Accounts representing large companies, organizations or public figures that are not verified.

- People claiming to be from VibeTag security asking you to provide account information (like your username or password), or offering you account verification services.

- People asking you to move your conversation off VibeTag to a less public or less secure setting, such as a separate email.

- People claiming to have a friend or relative in an emergency.

- People who misrepresent where they are located.

- Messages that appear to come from a friend or a company you know that ask you to click on a suspicious link.

- Accounts that have a brief history on VibeTag

- Messages or posts with poor spelling and grammatical mistakes.

- People or accounts asking you to claim a prize.

- People or accounts that offer items at an extreme discount.


If you see something you think is a scam, you should avoid responding and report the scam to Instagram. Keep in mind that your report is anonymous, except if you're reporting an intellectual property infringement. The account you reported won't see who reported them.


Types of scams

- Romance Scams: Romance scammers typically send romantic messages to people they don't know, often pretending to be divorced, widowed or in distress. They'll engage in online relationships claiming to need money for flights or visas. Their goal is to gain your trust, so the conversations may continue for weeks before they ask for money. Be vigilant of engaging in such conversations with people you don't know in real life.

- Lottery Scams: Lottery scams are often carried out from accounts impersonating someone you know or an organization (such as a government agency or a social media platform). The messages will claim that you're among the winners of a lottery and that you can receive your money for a small advance fee. The scammer may ask you to provide personal information, such as your physical address or bank details which they can use for other criminal activities.

- Loan Scams: Loan scammers send messages or leave comments on posts offering instant loans, at a low interest rate for a small advance fee. Once an initial payment is made they may ask for more money to provide a larger loan or simply end the conversation and disappear with the payment. Avoid making any transactions to people that you don't know.

- False Investment Scams: Scammers may promise unrealistic monetary benefits like offering to convert a small amount of money into a larger sum (example: $100 = $1000) and solicit money from you. This false promise of return on investment results in the scammer disappearing with the payment. Some types of false investment scams to watch out for include "cash flipping" scams, Ponzi schemes or "get rich quick" schemes.

- Job Scams: Job scammers use misleading or fake job postings to try and get your personal information or money. Avoid job postings that sound too good to be true or that ask you to pay anything upfront. When clicking on a link from a job posting, watch out for websites that seem unrelated to the original job posting or that ask for sensitive information (example: government ID) but don't use secure (https) browsing.

- Credit Card Fraud: Scammers use stolen financial information to make purchases online or to lure others into buying goods or services at a significantly lower price than the market price. If you notice suspicious activity on your credit card, you should report it to your financial institution or local law enforcement.

- Paid Subscription Services: Scammers will offer the sale of paid subscription services or lifetime access to these paid subscription services for a one-time payment. Avoid purchasing subscription-based services from unknown third parties since scammers won't deliver the product, or the product won't work as they claim it will.

- Phishing Scam: Phishing is when someone tries to get access to your Instagram account by sending you a suspicious message or link that asks for your personal information. If they get into your account, a scammer may have access to things like your phone number or email address. They may also change your password to lock you out of your account.

- Inauthentic Sellers: Inauthentic or misleading sellers may try to use underpriced items to lure buyers into a scam. They may try to create a sense of urgency to get buyers to act quickly, request payment through a non-secure method, or misrepresent their location in their posts.



What should i do if someone is asking me to share a nude or sexual photo or video of myself on VibeTag

Sharing nude or sexual photos/videos is a violation of VibeTag's Community Guidelines, so the simplest answer you can give someone is, “No. Itâ€ââ€Å¾Â¢s not allowed on VibeTag.â€Â

But beyond VibeTag, itâ€ââ€Å¾Â¢s important to think about how it would impact you if nude or sexual photos or videos of yourself got out of your control. This can happen the instant someone shares a photo or video. Sometimes people make mistakes, play stupid jokes or act in anger and share things they shouldnâ€ââ€Å¾Â¢t.

If youâ€ââ€Å¾Â¢re under the age of 18, itâ€ââ€Å¾Â¢s especially important for you to know that sharing nude or sexually explicit images of minors, whether on the web, mobile phones, by mail or any other way, is illegal in most countries and could have serious legal and life-changing consequences for both the creator of the images and anyone who requests them.

The safest thing you can do is never share nude photos/videosâ€â€Âor anything else you wouldnâ€ââ€Å¾Â¢t want other people seeingâ€â€Âto anyone, even if you feel very close to the person asking for them.

If someone you care about asks you to share a nude photo/video or leave VibeTag for a private web chat and you donâ€ââ€Å¾Â¢t want to, tell the person that it makes you feel uncomfortable. If this person really cares about you, they will understand.

If anyone tries to threaten or intimidate you into sharing photos/video, just refuse. If it continues, tell someone you trust or contact the police. You may also want to block the person on VibeTag and report them.

Also remember that when you allow someone to follow you, they may see personal information you've shared on VibeTag (like your personal website URL, pictures, videos or who follows you). The best way to stay safe is to only accept followers that you know well outside of VibeTag.


What should I do if someone is threatening to share things i want to keep private (example: photos or videos)?


If someone is threatening to share things you intended to be private and asking you to send them money or anything else, you have options:

- Contact local law enforcement and report this to them.

- Report this person to us.

- Block this person. Depending on your privacy settings, people on VibeTag can see a list of your followers and who you follow. Once you block someone, they no longer have access to your profile.

The safest thing you can do is never share something you wouldn’t want other people seeing, even if you feel like you trust the person asking you to share.


If you're under 18

If you're under 18, we recommend talking with a parent or other adult you trust to help you think through what to do. We offer some tips for parents on safety and security on VibeTag. Here are other resources for you to consider:

- Contact a crisis hotline or chat service. These can be found all over the UK, US and in many other countries. This is a good option if you want to remain anonymous while deciding what to do. Crisis lines can also often refer you to a victim advocate or other legal adviser near you. In the US, you can search for one by zip code at www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org/our-network/ or visit www.crisischat.org/.

- Talk with a victim advocate or social worker in your town or city. In the UK, US, there are victim advocates in county offices, police stations, domestic violence prevention centers, rape crisis centers, sheriff's offices and offices of state attorneys general. Victim advocates can help you gather evidence, figure out how to keep you safe and get a civil protection or anti-stalking order against the person threatening you. If you're in the US, call the National Organization for Victim Assistance at 1-800-TRY-NOVA/800-879-6682 or go to www.trynova.org.

- Contact a legal aid society or organization near you for free advice.

- Ask a lawyer or other counselor for advice.

- Talk to a school counselor or administrator.


What should I do if someone on VibeTag asks me to buy goods or services from them

If you suspect inauthentic behaviour from someone who is trying to sell you something outside of VibeTag Shop, we recommend you ignore it. However, if you believe the behaviour goes against our Community Guidelines, you can report it.
Unfortunately, we can’t provide help for purchases on VibeTag that aren't made through VibeTag Shop. Our Purchase Protection Policy only provides help for purchases made through onsite checkout.

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