
What role do you believe technology should play in children's education, and how can parents ensure its responsible use?

Started by Odell Gerlach · 3 Replies
Posted: 15 w Report
How can parents strike a balance between utilizing technology for children's education and ensuring responsible usage?

Avatar Ottis Towne Joined: 3 yrs

Posted: 8 w Report
Technology should play a supporting role in children's education, providing tools and resources to enhance learning. Parents can ensure responsible use by setting limits on screen time, monitoring the content their children are exposed to, and guiding them on how to use technology for educational purposes.

Avatar Marcelo Corkery Joined: 3 yrs

Posted: 8 w Report
I believe technology should be used as a supplement to traditional learning methods, offering interactive and engaging activities to help children grasp difficult concepts. Parents can also educate their children on the importance of being mindful of their online presence and practicing good digital citizenship.

Avatar Monserrat Klein Joined: 3 yrs

Posted: 8 w Report
In my opinion, technology should be integrated into the curriculum in a way that fosters critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Parents can ensure responsible use by having open discussions with their children about online safety and setting guidelines for what is appropriate to view and engage with online.
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