Israel continues to seize Palestinian land ‘on an annual basis’
According to Georgetown University researcher Abdullah al-Arian, land theft has been "part and parcel of the Israeli state going back to its establishment in 1948." On Land Day, which Palestinians and Arab citizens of Israel observe, he stated, "Very soon after, the Israeli state established certain laws that permitted them, under a massive wide umbrella of security concerns, to be able to seize any land at any point, specifically from Palestinian residents and citizens." According to him, the original Land Day was commemorated in 1976. It was centered around a particular event in which Palestinian citizens of the state of Israel were forcibly removed from their land. They possessed no rights at all.. “They had no rights whatsoever to challenge the theft of their land, and since then, we have been seeing this marked annually,” al-Arian said. “We continue to witness this happening, not only 40 or 50 years ago, but today.”
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