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#14thmarch #onthisday #history

March 14th: A Global Tapestry of History and Achievements

March 14th offers a diverse range of historical events, cultural celebrations, and individual achievements from across the globe. Let's explore some noteworthy occurrences on this date:

Echoes from the Past:

• 1678: Birth of Albert Einstein: The renowned German-born theoretical physicist who revolutionized our understanding of space, time, and gravity was born in Ulm, Germany.

• 1803: Lakeview Gusher: The largest accidental oil spill in history occurs in Titusville, Pennsylvania, impacting the development of the oil industry.

• 1854: Birth of Alexandru Macedonski: A celebrated Romanian poet and literary figure is born.

• 1854: Birth of Paul Ehrlich: A renowned German physician and Nobel Prize laureate who contributed significantly to immunology is born.

• 1900: Hugo de Vries Rediscovers Mendel's Laws: Dutch botanist Hugo de Vries rediscovers the pioneering work of Gregor Mendel on genetics, laying the foundation for modern genetics.

• 1903: Establishment of First National Bird Reservation: Sebastian, Florida, witnesses the creation of the first national bird reservation in the United States, highlighting early efforts in wildlife conservation.

• 1909: Formation of Amsterdam Social-Democratic Party: The political party, aiming to represent the interests of the working class, is established in the Netherlands.

• 1914: Treaty Between Serbia and Turkey: A peace treaty is signed, marking a temporary respite in the complex political landscape leading up to World War I.

• 1923: U.S. President Pays Taxes: Warren G. Harding became the first American president to acknowledge and pay federal income taxes publicly.

• 1942: Penicillin Saves a Life: For the first time, penicillin was used to treat a patient's bacterial infection, ushering in a new era of antibiotics.

• 1964: Jack Ruby Found Guilty: Jack Ruby, who fatally shot Lee Harvey Oswald, the assassin of President John F. Kennedy, is found guilty of murder in a televised courtroom verdict.

• 1978: Israeli Invasion of South Lebanon: A large-scale Israeli military operation targeting Palestinian refugee camps and PLO bases in Lebanon begins.

• 1980: Death of Mohammad Hatta: One of the founding fathers of Indonesia, Mohammad Hatta, passes away.

• 1983: Death of Karl Marx: The influential German philosopher and revolutionary socialist whose theories on economics and social class profoundly impacted history dies.

• 1991: Birmingham Six Released: Six men who were wrongfully convicted of a pub bombing in Birmingham, England, are finally released after serving 16 years in prison.

• 2007: Nandigram Violence: Violent clashes erupt in Nandigram, West Bengal, India, resulting in numerous casualties and raising concerns about land acquisition practices.

• 2016: Death of Stephen Hawking: The renowned English theoretical physicist and author of "A Brief History of Time" passes away, leaving behind a legacy of scientific exploration and public engagement.

• 2016: Russia Orders Troop Withdrawal from Syria: Russian President Vladimir Putin announces a partial withdrawal of Russian troops from Syria.

• 2017: Naming Ceremony for Nihonium: A ceremony in Tokyo officially names the newly discovered element 113 "nihonium," acknowledging the significant contributions of Japanese scientists.

• 2019: Cyclone Idai Devastates Mozambique: A powerful cyclone makes landfall near Beira, Mozambique, causing widespread flooding and a major humanitarian crisis.

• 2021: Hlaingthaya Massacre: Myanmar security forces brutally crackdown on protestors in Hlaingthaya, leading to a high number of civilian casualties.

Celebrations Around the World:

• International Pi Day: A playful celebration of the mathematical constant pi (π) approximately equal to 3.14.

Other Notable Events:

• 1823: John Jervis, 1st Earl of St Vincent: The British naval hero and military leader passes away.

• 1833: Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock: The renowned German poet known for his epic poems dies.


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