In 2023, LinkedIn's premium revenue reached $1.7 billion.
For the first time, professional social network LinkedIn disclosed that $1.7 billion was made from its premium subscription service in 2023. The company's recent launch of artificial intelligence (AI) solutions geared toward job seekers is partially responsible for this development. Watch to find out more!
Israel arrests Palestinian activist Muna el-Kurd in East Jerusalem
Israeli security forces have questioned a Palestinian activist who played a significant role in protests against the possible eviction of Palestinian families from homes in East Jerusalem.
Video footage showed Muna el-Kurd being taken in handcuffs from her home in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood.
Police said the 23-year-old was accused of participating in riots.
Ms el-Kurd's twin brother Mohammed was also questioned after handing himself in to police. Both were later released.
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