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What They Didn’t Show in Squid Game The Challenge!


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Inside South Asia: An Austrian national's encounter with the Taliban

Herbert Fritz, a far-right activist from Austria who was detained in Afghanistan in May 2023, was freed by the Taliban. Fritz is 84 years old. Fritz was arrested after traveling to Afghanistan, allegedly to demonstrate that it was a safe country. We also explain how Qatar sets the standard for peaceful dispute resolution and mediation. See to learn more!

#taliban #austrian #herbertfritz


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Robert Black gained national notoriety as the child snatcher who kidnapped, mistreated, and killed young victims.

Robert Black's horrific reign of terror came to an abrupt end when he took a wrong turn, sparing the life of his victim, who was stuck in his vehicle.

After horrifyingly kidnapping children in the back of his delivery van, the cruel serial child killer is notorious for having gagged, mistreated, and murdered young victims around the United Kingdom in the 1980s. The paedophile was ultimately apprehended by the authorities in 1990, just in time to prevent him from carrying out another attack.
Black was convicted in 1994 of killing three children: Sarah Harper, age ten, of Leeds; eleven-year-old Susan Maxwell of Northumberland; and five-year-old Caroline Hogg of Edinburgh. Black was charged in 2012 with the fourth murder of nine-year-old Jennifer Cardy from Northern Ireland. Several more killings and disappearances were also linked to him.

The Child Snatcher: Manhunt, a documentary that tells the tale of one of the biggest murder investigations in the UK and how investigators from several agencies connected the links between the crimes, premieres on Channel 5 tonight.
Black's eventual capture with a six-year-old girl hooded, chained, and shoved into a sleeping bag in his delivery vehicle happened by pure accident. Just seconds before, Black had sexually assaulted her and was on his way when he made an incorrect left in the Scottish village of Stow, unintentionally driving straight into the arms of onlookers.

After being apprehended, the methodical murderer began to speak, narrating the events of the day in a terrifyingly subtle way. "What a crazy day it's been," he exclaimed. "There was a blood rush. Since I was a small child, I have always enjoyed young girls."
Luckily, Stow local David Herkes saw the kidnapping occur and notified the authorities right away. The girl was abducted on her way home, and Mr. Herkes had been on the opposite side of the street. Before Mr. Herkes could take action, Black drove off, but he was able to write down the license plate and hurried to the nearby police station right once.
Officers were later told what had happened by Black's terrified victim, who cannot be named for legal reasons. "He wasn't looking at me then but then he looked at me," she continued.
The Child Snatcher: Manhunt airs on Channel 5 tonight at 10pm.


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