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154K+ Views
These roads of flames are catching a fire..Praise Jah in the moonlight #songlyrics


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Boss Top gives open invitation to Oblock. Talks about camera mans first time in the O.


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Alternative Math _ Short Film #shortmovies #moviesclips


775K+ Views
February 1st unfolds like a vibrant tapestry woven with threads of historical milestones, diverse cultural celebrations, and individual achievements across the globe. Let's embark on a journey to explore some of the fascinating stories associated with this date:

Historical Events:

• 1420: Construction of the Forbidden City in Beijing begins, marking the official start of the Ming Dynasty's rule over China.

• 1793: France declares war on the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, igniting the French Revolutionary Wars.

• 1884: The first fascicle of the Oxford English Dictionary is published, laying the foundation for one of the most comprehensive dictionaries in the English language.

• 1946: The Parliament of Hungary abolishes the monarchy, establishing the Hungarian Republic after nine centuries of royal rule.

• 2003: Space Shuttle Columbia tragically disintegrates during re-entry, claiming the lives of all seven crew members aboard.

Cultural Celebrations:

• Saint Brigid's Day (Ireland): Celebrate the life and legacy of Saint Brigid, a revered figure in Irish culture known for her compassion and dedication to the poor and marginalized.

• Tet Nguyen (Vietnamese New Year): Ring in the Lunar New Year with vibrant lion dances, traditional feasts, and family gatherings in Vietnam and across the Vietnamese diaspora.

• National Freedom Day (United States): Commemorate the signing of the Thirteenth Amendment, abolishing slavery and involuntary servitude in the US.

Individual Achievements:

• 1894: Clark Gable, the American actor known for his charm and iconic roles in classic Hollywood films, is born.

• 1901: Langston Hughes, the influential African American poet known for his evocative portrayals of the Harlem Renaissance and social justice themes, is born.

• 1931: Boris Yeltsin, the first president of post-Soviet Russia, is born.

• 1962: Takashi Murakami, the renowned Japanese contemporary artist known for his colorful and playful Superflat style, is born.

• 1969: Gabriel Batistuta, the legendary Argentine footballer known for his powerful long-range shooting, is born.

This glimpse into February 1st is just a thread in the vibrant tapestry of history, culture, and individual achievements. Feel free to delve deeper into any of these events, celebrations, or figures to uncover the richness and complexity of this diverse date.


651K+ Views
Russia: On March 1, Alexei Navalny will be buried; his widow is concerned about arrests during the burial

Alexei Navalny, the leader of the Russian opposition, has gone away. His wife says that President Putin killed her husband, although the Russian government denies any involvement. So what does his death mean for the future of Russia, the opposition, and the Kremlin?

#putin #navalny #russia


22M+ Views
Trump and his children being sued by New York Attorney General #worldnews #bulletins


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Would You Dare The One Million Dollar Job 💲


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Anupama Kya Barkha Par Bharosa Kar Paayegi Anupama


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Notting hill carnival #london #shorts


677K+ Views
Russia-Ukraine war: Zelenskyy calls on US, allies to back Ukraine at Munich Security Conference

President Zelesnkyy of Ukraine asked friends to defend Ukraine, noting that a lack of weapons gives Russian forces the upper hand in combat while addressing a global assembly of politicians, diplomats, and military leaders at the Munich Security Conference. The US funding, he claimed, had to be restarted. Avdiivka, in eastern Ukraine, is under complete Russian control. Meanwhile, early on Saturday, General Oleksandr Tarnavsky of Ukraine announced that Ukrainian forces had left the area after the situation there had significantly worsened over the previous few days. Just hours after signing the French security agreement, Ukraine took this action. See to find out more!

#russiaukrainewar #avdiivka #munich


693K+ Views
Respect💯😱 #viral #trending #shorts


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Full Face of viral Makeup #beautytips #makeuptips