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Who makes James Gunn laugh the most on the “GOTG” set It’s a plot twist, thanks to Chris Pratt 🤣


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In Myanmar, thousands escape military conscription.

To avoid being drafted into the military, thousands of young people are making every effort to escape Myanmar. Reintroducing conscription will help the army confront a rebellion even as its ranks are reduced.


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#18thmay#onthisday #history

May 18th: A Day of Diverse Remembrances and Celebrations

May 18th offers a global tapestry of historical events, cultural observances, and social movements. Let's delve into some noteworthy occurrences on this date:

Echoes from the Past:

-1648: Peace of Westphalia Signed: The Peace of Westphalia, a series of treaties, formally ended the Thirty Years' War, a devastating religious conflict that ravaged Central Europe. This marked a turning point in European politics, establishing the principle of Westphalian sovereignty.

-1803: Louisiana Purchase Concluded: The Louisiana Purchase is finalized, with the United States acquiring a vast territory from France, doubling the size of the young nation.

-1804: Napoleon Bonaparte Becomes Emperor: The French Senate proclaimed Napoleon Bonaparte Emperor of the French, marking the beginning of the French Empire.

-1811: Battle of Las Piedras: The Battle of Las Piedras, a crucial early victory for the Uruguayan independence movement, is fought against Spanish forces.

-1863: Richard Gatling Patents Machine Gun: American inventor Richard Gatling receives a patent for his revolutionary hand-cranked machine gun, significantly changing warfare tactics.

-1874: First Impressionist Exhibition Opens: The first Impressionist art exhibition opens in Paris, showcasing the works of Claude Monet, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, and other artists who challenged traditional art styles.

-1910: Ethiopian Victory at Battle of Adwa: The Ethiopian army decisively defeats Italian forces at the Battle of Adwa, marking a significant victory for African resistance against European colonialism.

-1943: Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Ends: Following a month of fierce resistance, the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising is brutally crushed by Nazi forces.

-1968: René Lacoste Dies: René Lacoste, the legendary French tennis player and founder of the Lacoste clothing brand, passes away.

-1980: Mount St. Helens Erupts: Mount St. Helens in Washington state erupts in a massive explosion, one of the most powerful volcanic events in recorded history in North America.

Focus on International Awareness:

-International Museum Day: Celebrated on May 18th, International Museum Day raises awareness of the importance of museums in society and encourages cultural exchange.

-World AIDS Vaccine Day: Observed on May 18th, World AIDS Vaccine Day highlights the ongoing research efforts towards developing a vaccine for HIV/AIDS.

Other Notable Events:

-1783: First United Empire Loyalists Arrive in Saint John, New Brunswick: Following the American Revolution, the first group of United Empire Loyalists (British colonists who remained loyal to the Crown) arrives in Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada, to establish a new life.

-1929: Groucho Marx Marries Kay Marxis: Groucho Marx, one of the Marx Brothers comedy team, marries actress Kay Marxis.

-2009: Sri Lankan Civil War Ends: The Sri Lankan Civil War, a brutal conflict that lasted for over 25 years, comes to an end.

May 18th showcases a blend of historical milestones, social movements, and international awareness days, reminding us of the world's complexities and diversities.


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Cillian Murphy daddy of the atomic bomb 😍


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#myanmar #myanmarjunta #stateofemergency

On the eve of the coup anniversary, the Myanmar junta maintains the state of emergency.

The state of emergency in the war-torn nation of Myanmar was extended for six months by the junta. Since the military took over in a coup three years ago, the state of emergency has been routinely extended. India has voiced worries about the nation's escalating tensions.


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