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Let's Go FAIL A Kite! 😅😂 Funny Videos #unlimitedfun


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#8thapril #onthisday #history

April 8th offers a diverse blend of historical events, cultural celebrations, and scientific advancements across the globe. Let's explore some noteworthy occurrences on this date:

Echoes from the Past:

• 1455 AD: Election of Pope Callistus III: Alfonso de Borgia is elected as Pope Callistus III, leading the Catholic Church during a tumultuous period.

• 1759 AD: British Capture Masulipatam: British troops capture Masulipatam, India, from the French during the Carnatic Wars.

• 1820 AD: Discovery of Venus de Milo: The famous ancient Greek statue Venus de Milo was discovered on the Aegean island of Milos, becoming a significant archaeological find.

• 1869 AD: Opening of the American Museum of Natural History: The American Museum of Natural History in New York City opens its doors to the public, fostering scientific exploration and education.

• 1908 AD: H. H. Asquith Becomes British Prime Minister: H. H. Asquith succeeds Henry Campbell-Bannerman as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, ushering in a social and political reform period.

• 1931 AD: "White Horse Inn" Opens: The iconic "White Horse Inn" pub in London, a popular gathering place for artists and writers, opens for business.

• 1945 AD: Soviet Offensive in Eastern Europe: The Soviet Union launches a major offensive against German forces in Eastern Europe, pushing them closer to Berlin during World War II.

• 1965 AD: India-Pakistan Border Clash: A border clash erupts between Indian and Pakistani forces in the Rann of Kutch region, highlighting ongoing tensions between the two nations.

• 1977 AD: Resignation of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin: Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin resigned after facing criticism for his handling of economic and political challenges.

Celebrations Around the World:

• Birthday of the Buddha (Observed in Buddhist Countries): Buddhists in many countries observe this day as the birthday of the Buddha, the founder of Buddhism. Celebrations involve prayer, meditation, and acts of kindness.

Other Notable Events:

• 1859 AD: Birth of Edmund Husserl: Austrian philosopher and a founder of the phenomenological school of thought.

• 1918 AD: Betty Ford, Former First Lady of the United States, was born. She was known for her advocacy for women's rights and cancer awareness.

• 1929 AD: Birth of Jacques Brel: Legendary Belgian singer-songwriter known for his poetic lyrics and passionate performances.

• 1938 AD: Birth of Kofi Annan: Ghanaian diplomat who served as the seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations and a Nobel Peace Prize laureate.

• 2002 AD: Space Shuttle Atlantis Launched: The Space Shuttle Atlantis blasts off on mission STS-110, carrying the S0 truss to the International Space Station, a crucial step in its construction. Astronaut Jerry L. Ross becomes the first person to fly on seven spaceflights.

• 2005 AD: Death of Pope John Paul II: Pope John Paul II, one of history's longest-reigning and most influential popes, passes away. Millions mourn his death across the globe.

April 8th offers a glimpse into the world's historical and cultural tapestry. It's a day that reminds us of religious traditions, political shifts, and the contributions of influential figures.


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Zelensky claims that Moscow is manipulating the lives of Ukrainian inmates involved in a military plane disaster.

In the Belgorod region of Russia, an Ilyushin Il-76 military transport aircraft crashed on Wednesday. While Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the president of Ukraine, charged Moscow with "playing with the lives of Ukrainian prisoners of war," Russia has blamed Ukraine for downing the airliner.

#ukraine #russia #belgorod


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According to recent surveys, Luis Montenegro leads Portugal's center-right.

In the general elections, the Social Democratic Alliance Party of Portugal declared victory. It comes after an extremely close race against the departing Socialist Party. The center-right may now have to think about forming a coalition with Chega, Portugal's emerging far-right party, as there was no clear majority of votes.

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