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#23rdmarch #onthisday #history

March 23rd offers a diverse tapestry of historical events, cultural celebrations, and individual achievements from across the globe. Let's explore some noteworthy occurrences on this date:

Echoes from the Past:

• 1400: Fall of the Trần Dynasty in Vietnam: The Trần dynasty, which ruled Vietnam for nearly 175 years, is overthrown by Hồ Quý Ly, a court official.

• 1540: Dissolution of the Monasteries: Waltham Abbey, the last religious house to be closed, surrenders its property to King Henry VIII of England, marking the near-complete dissolution of monasteries in England and Wales.

• 1630: French Occupation of Pinerolo: French troops occupy the strategically important town of Pinerolo in Piedmont, Italy.
• 1775: Patrick Henry's "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" Speech: American patriot Patrick Henry delivers his iconic speech at the Second Virginia Convention, urging resistance against British rule with the powerful phrase "Give me liberty or give me death!"
• 1806: Lewis and Clark Expedition Returns: American explorers Meriwether Lewis and William Clark conclude their historic expedition to the Pacific Ocean, returning to St. Louis, Missouri, after nearly two and a half years.

• 1857: First Elevator Installation: Elisha Otis successfully installs the first passenger elevator with an automatic safety device in New York City, revolutionizing vertical transportation.

• 1888: Formation of the Football League: The Football League, the world's oldest national association football league, was founded in England and brought together teams from England and Wales. (The top tier of this league eventually became the Premier League in 1992.)

• 1903: Wright Brothers Patent Airplane: The Wright Brothers, aviation pioneers, filed a patent application for their flying machine, a significant step towards the development of the airplane.

• 1920: Founding of the Communist Party of India: The Perserikatan Communist of India (PKI), the first communist party in India, is formed.

• 1931: Execution of Bhagat Singh and Associates: Indian revolutionaries Bhagat Singh, Shivaram Rajguru, and Sukhdev Thapar are hanged by British authorities after being convicted of assassination and bombings. Their execution sparks national outrage and inspires future freedom fighters.

• 1933: Hitler Becomes Dictator of Germany: Adolf Hitler is granted emergency powers by the German parliament, effectively establishing him as dictator of Germany. This marks the beginning of Nazi rule.

• 1942: Massacre in Lublin: Nazi forces carry out a horrific massacre in Lublin, Poland, killing over 2,500 Jews.

• 1943: German Counterattacks in Tunisia: German forces launched counterattacks against American lines in Tunisia during World War II in a desperate attempt to break the stalemate.

• 1956: Pakistan Becomes an Islamic Republic: Pakistan declares itself the world's first Islamic republic. (The eastern part of Pakistan later seceded in 1971 to become Bangladesh.)

• 1962: Archbishop Romero Calls for Peace in El Salvador: Archbishop Óscar Romero of El Salvador delivers a powerful sermon calling on members of the armed forces to stop killing their fellow Salvadorans. Tragically, he is assassinated just one day later.

• 1980: Crash of the Mir Space Station: The Soviet space station Mir, after 15 years in orbit, is deliberately de-orbited and plunges into the Pacific Ocean.

• 2001: International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Enters into Force: This critical human rights treaty, incorporating many of the principles enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, comes into full effect.

Celebrations Around the World:

• Pakistan Day (Pakistan): A national holiday celebrating the adoption of the Lahore Resolution, which called for an independent Muslim state within British India.

Other Notable Events:

• 1823: Death of John Jervis, 1st Earl of St Vincent: A renowned British naval hero and military leader died.

• 1833: Death of Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock: A celebrated German poet known for his epic poems dies.


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Israel is 'demolishing' houses and public buildings in eastern Rafah neighborhoods.

The Israeli force has continued to bomb Rafah and drive farther into the city's western sector. Eyewitnesses reported witnessing tanks and armored vehicles, as well as artillery munitions, reaching the tent camp for displaced persons in the city's western portion, which serves as an evacuation zone. As previously indicated, the Israeli force has complete control of the Philadelphi Corridor and is already destroying homes in Rafah's eastern district. The eastern section of Rafah, including the as-Salam and al-Jenina areas, has been cleansed of residential structures and public facilities.

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