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135K+ Views
Thousands of people assemble at Al-Aqsa Mosque for Eid al-Fitr prayers.

The holy month of Ramadan is coming to a conclusion for Muslims in the Occupied Territories. At the Al-Aqsa Mosque complex in Occupied East Jerusalem, thousands of Palestinians have gathered for Eid prayers.

#jerusalem #israel #gaza


176K+ Views
US FTC filed a lawsuit against Apple for allegedly breaking antitrust rules. Despite Apple's denial of wrongdoing, the US antitrust agency has chosen to pursue legal action against the company. Stay tuned for more information!

#apple #usa #federaltradecommission


358K+ Views
Unrest in Chad: A military dictator announces a bid for president

The late President Idriss Deby's son, Mohamed Deby, has denied that he intended to run for office after his father passed away. The denial coincides with information surfacing about security raids on opposition offices in Chad that resulted in the former leader's murder. With Mohamed Deby leading a military council, the situation in Chad is still tricky.

#chadunrest #militaryrule #presidentialrun


166K+ Views
Dengue swept through the Americas early this year.

According to health experts on Thursday, dengue is spreading rapidly throughout the Americas early this year, from Puerto Rico to Brazil, with 3.5 million instances of the tropical illness documented thus far. Keep an eye out for additional information!

#dengue #america


497K+ Views
Report: Scam emails will appear authentic because to artificial intelligence

As the UK's cybersecurity agency has warned, artificial intelligence will make it harder to distinguish between emails that are sent by scammers and bad actors and those that are legitimate. This includes messages that request that computer users reset their passwords.

#ai #artificialintelligence #scam


473K+ Views
#sudan #khartoum #sudanfighting

Sudan's healthcare system is in disarray, with facilities closing and volunteers filling in.

The country's healthcare system is on the verge of collapse due to the fighting between the army of Sudan and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces. According to the UN, seventy percent of its hospitals are closed. Additionally, non-medical volunteers are filling in for doctors at one health center in the capital.


372K+ Views
Israel launches its first bombs on eastern Lebanon since the start of the Gaza War.

Since the commencement of the Gaza War, Israel has struck Hezbollah locations in eastern Lebanon. Israeli forces attacked the area surrounding Baalbek at least twice in quick succession. In response to Hezbollah downing one of its armed drones in southern Lebanon, the Israeli army claims that it launched the strikes. Targeting Israeli military positions near the border, Hezbollah retaliated with a flurry of rocket launches.

#lebanon #israel #hezbollah


511K+ Views
Mayotte: Mayotte, an island near the edge of French overseas territory, is facing a serious dilemma. Can residents like Wadaanti achieve their goals and move out of unstable housing to pursue their studies? Geographically speaking, the island of Mayotte is located northwest of Madagascar in the Comoros archipelago. Politically speaking, nonetheless, Mayotte is a part of France and so an EU territory. an increasingly popular migration destination, mostly from the nearby Comoros but also from Africa, the Congo, Rwanda, and Burundi. The majority of these migrants are compelled to live in unstable accommodation and are always afraid of being deported. The local community is becoming more and more frustrated as a result of inflation, a lack of infrastructure, and an increase in crime. Mayotte is completely in disarray. Can residents, such as Locals, feel abandoned by the government and blame migrants? There is now a water deficit on the island, and things could get worse. Luisa von Richthofen's report.


358K+ Views
South Africa's mining job losses are giving the ANC serious electoral problems as unemployment rises.

The unemployment rate in South Africa is at an all-time high. According to statistics, one in three persons do not have a job. The industry with the most recent layoffs is mining. Furthermore, the government is under pressure to generate employment and draw in voters with just two months until the elections.

#southafrica #unemploymentrate


399K+ Views
Former Prime Minister of Thailand, Thaksin Shinawatra, was released.

After hospitalization, Thaksin Shinawatra, the former prime minister of Thailand, was granted parole. An uncertain return to public life could spark protests. Though others believe Thaksin hasn't paid his fair share of taxes and fear his homecoming will spark new demonstrations, his followers have remained neutral. In the previous election, Perth Thai, Thaksin's winning party, was threatened by an unknown party that promised reform.

#news #thaksinshinawat


404K+ Views
After the attacks on Rafah, will there be a ceasefire?

The demand for a ceasefire from Israel is growing. Some prominent figures from the US, Australia, Canada, UK, EU, and Jordan have joined the increasing chorus of voices demanding that Israel halt and withdraw from its intended ground offensive in the southern Gazan city of Rafah and support a humanitarian ceasefire.

#ceasefire #rafah #israel


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Full Face of viral Makeup #beautytips #makeuptips