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769K+ Views
#uk #dogs

UK Study: Long-nosed, little dogs had longer lifespans

In the UK, dog breeds with dolichocephalic, or short, long noses, have the longest life expectancies, per a recent study. However, the shortest lifespans were seen in males from brachycephalic (medium-sized, flat-faced) breeds, such as English Bulldogs.


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#28thmarch #onthisday #history

March 28th offers a rich tapestry of historical events, cultural celebrations, and individual achievements from across the globe. Let's delve into some noteworthy occurrences on this date:

Echoes from the Past:

1461: Wilhelm Olbers Discovers Vesta: German astronomer Wilhelm Olbers discovers the minor planet Vesta, the brightest asteroid visible from Earth.

1622: James I of England Dissolves Parliament: King James I of England dissolves Parliament after a disagreement over foreign policy and finances.

1794: Maximilian Robespierre Executed: The French revolutionary leader Maximilien Robespierre is executed along with several followers, marking the end of the Reign of Terror.

1871: Paris Commune Suppressed: French government forces brutally suppressed the Paris Commune, a short-lived socialist uprising.
1910: First Seaplane Takes Off: French inventor Henri Fabre successfully pilots the Canard (Fabre Hydration), the first floatplane to take off from water under its power.

1939: Spanish Civil War Ends: The Spanish Civil War ended with the nationalist victory of Francisco Franco.

1941: Virginia Woolf Drowns: English novelist Virginia Woolf, known for her modernist works like "Mrs. Dalloway" and "To the Lighthouse," takes her own life.

1951: Selwyn Lloyd Becomes British Foreign Secretary: Selwyn Lloyd is appointed British Foreign Secretary, a position he will hold for several years during a critical period of the Cold War.

1964: Good Friday Earthquake: The most violent earthquake ever recorded in the United States, a magnitude 9.2 event, strikes Prince William Sound, Alaska.

1970: Earth Day Established: The first Earth Day is celebrated worldwide, raising awareness about environmental issues.

1979: Three Mile Island Nuclear Accident: A partial meltdown occurs at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, marking one of the worst commercial atomic accidents in history.

1980: Mariel Boatlift Begins: The Mariel boatlift begins a mass exodus of Cubans seeking asylum in the United States.

2000: Supreme Court Rules on Anonymous Tip: The U.S. Supreme Court rules unanimously that an anonymous tip does not justify a stop-and-frisk action against a person.

2019: French Filmmaker Agnès Varda Passes Away: Agnès Varda, a pioneering figure in French New Wave cinema, dies at 90.

2024: (Insert any significant events that may have happened on March 28th, 2024, as they cannot be predicted yet)

Celebrations Around the World:

Teacher's Day (Czech Republic): A day to celebrate and appreciate teachers in the Czech Republic.

Other Notable Events:

1815: Birth of Jenny Lind: Swedish opera singer known for her remarkable vocal range and stage presence.

1897: Birth of Viktor Schauberger: Austrian inventor and philosopher with controversial theories about natural energy sources.


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CHEF NO CONOCE LA COMIDA PERUANA #peru #lima #chef #comidaperuana #cocinaperuana #podcast


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Dumpster diving and found a retro laser gamer printer #wow #dumpsterdiving #free #game #gamer


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