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Iran attacks Israel: Does the West have a plan to stop the war?

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#16thmarch #onthisday #history

March 16th: A Global Look at History and Culture

March 16th presents a vibrant tapestry of historical events, cultural celebrations, and individual achievements across the globe. Let's explore some noteworthy occurrences on this date:

Echoes from the Past:

• 934: Meng Zhixiang Declares Himself Emperor: Meng Zhixiang establishes the Later Shu, a new state independent of the Later Tang dynasty in China.

• 1190: Massacre of Jews at Clifford's Tower: In York, England, a horrific massacre of Jews takes place within Clifford's Tower.

• 1244: Fall of Montségur and Cathar Heresy: After a long siege, the Cathar stronghold of Montségur in southern France falls to the Crusaders, marking a significant blow to the Cathar heresy.

• 1355: Han Lin'er Proclaimed Emperor: During the Red Turban Rebellions in China, Han Lin'er, a claimed descendant of a previous emperor, is proclaimed the new leader of the restored Song dynasty.

• 1521: Ferdinand Magellan Reaches the Philippines: Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan reaches the Philippines during his historic circumnavigation voyage.

• 1620: Mayflower Compact Signed: The Mayflower Compact, a foundational document for self-government, is signed by the Pilgrims aboard the Mayflower before they land in Plymouth, Massachusetts.

• 1792: Assassination of King Gustav III: King Gustav III of Sweden is shot by Count Jacob Johan Anckarström during a masked ball at the opera, marking a tragic event in Swedish history.

• 1865: Grand Review of the Union Army: A massive victory parade for the Union Army takes place in Washington, D.C., following the conclusion of the American Civil War.

• 1935: Hitler Cancels Treaty of Versailles: Adolf Hitler announces Germany's withdrawal from the Treaty of Versailles, a significant turning point leading to World War II.

• 1945: My Lai Massacre: U.S. troops commit a horrific massacre of Vietnamese civilians in the village of My Lai during the Vietnam War.

• 1960: Psycho Premieres: Alfred Hitchcock's iconic
psychological thriller film "Psycho" premieres, forever changing the landscape of horror cinema.

• 1968: Warsaw Pact Invasion of Czechoslovakia: The Soviet Union and its Warsaw Pact allies invade Czechoslovakia to crush the Prague Spring reforms.

• 1978: Aldo Moro Kidnapped: Italian politician Aldo Moro is kidnapped by the Red Brigades terrorist group, sparking a tense political crisis.

• 1985: Terry Anderson Released: American journalist Terry Anderson is released after being held hostage in Beirut for over 2,400 days.

• 1988: Poison Gas Attack in Halabjah: Iraqi forces launch a chemical weapons attack against the Kurdish town of Halabjah, resulting in a significant loss of civilian life.

• 1988: Ulster Loyalist Killings: An Ulster Loyalist paramilitary group kills three people at a Provisional IRA funeral in Northern Ireland, highlighting the sectarian violence of the Troubles.

• 2005: Israel Hands Over Jericho: Israel officially hands over control of the West Bank city of Jericho to the Palestinian Authority.

Celebrations Around the World:

• Some African Countries: National Day of Reconciliation (depending on the specific country)

Other Notable Events:

• 1926: Robert Goddard Launches First Liquid-Fueled Rocket: American engineer Robert Goddard launches the first liquid-fueled rocket, marking a significant step forward in rocketry.

• 1953: Birth of Richard Stallman: Computer programmer and free software advocate Richard Stallman is born.

• 1954: Birth of Nancy Wilson (Heart): American singer and guitarist Nancy Wilson, a founding member of the rock band Heart, is born.


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