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Tupac Who Do You Believe In (Original)
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Underrated Songs You NEED to Hear! (JID & Vince Staples) (1)
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A tour of the Gaza hospital illustrates the damage caused by the Israeli military. Israeli forces have left behind graffiti and rubble at the demolished Sheikh Hamad Hospital in Gaza.
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Her Friends Never Expected This!
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The following video includes graphic material: 16 Palestinians were killed by Israeli shelling on Thursday in Khan Younis, a southern coastal region of the Gaza Strip populated by refugees from attacks in other parts of the enclave, according to authorities at the Hamas-run health ministry in Gaza. According to a Reuters spokesman, nine children were among the deceased. They said that tents set up by displaced persons had been in the vicinity of Israeli shelling. The strike occurred in the Al-Mawasi region of Gaza; Reuters imagery showed a massive hole with debris surrounding it. Outside Khan Younis's Nasser Hospital, where people had gathered to pray, bodies covered in sacks and cloth were arranged in a row. The Israeli military, which has previously stated that it is attempting to extract Hamas officials who may be hiding there, has recorded multiple skirmishes in Khan Younis.
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What to Wear to Different Occasions
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Steve Harvey's favorite autocorrect fails STEVE HARVEY
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Gourmet Microwave Cooking for One 10 Minute Power Hour
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