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Nursery school massacre in Thailand leaves dozens of children dead #news


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Oceans smash records for high temperatures in the world's warmest February ever.

According to scientists in the European Union, last month's ocean temperatures reached a record high, and February was also the warmest on record worldwide. According to a dataset dating back to 1979, the average worldwide sea surface temperature in February was 21.06 degrees Celsius (69.91 degrees Fahrenheit), breaking the previous record of 20.98 degrees Celsius (69.77 degrees Fahrenheit) set in August 2023. The EU's Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) released this information on Thursday. In contrast, February's average air temperature was 1.77C (3.18F) warmer than the pre-industrial normal of 13.54C (56.4F). It was the warmest month of the year for that particular month for the tenth time in a row. Carlo Buontempo is a director at Copernicus Climate Change Service. He discusses live from Brussels with us.

#oceans #globalwarming


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#8thmay#onthisday #history

May 8th: A Day of Liberation and Remembrance

May 8th holds a significant place in global history, particularly in Europe, due to the end of World War II. Here's a glimpse into some noteworthy events that have unfolded on this date:

Echoes from the Past:

- 1660: Charles II Declared King of England: Following the overthrow of Oliver Cromwell's rule, the English Parliament declared Charles II King of England, Scotland, and Ireland, marking the restoration of the monarchy.

- 1825: Death of Caspar David Friedrich: German Romantic landscape painter Caspar David Friedrich, known for his evocative works depicting nature, passed away.

- 1884: American Red Cross Founded: Clara Barton established the American Red Cross, a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing relief during disaster.

- 1904: Port Arthur Surrenders to Japan: The strategically important Port Arthur surrendered to Japanese forces during the Russo-Japanese War.

- 1918: American Troops Land in Siberia: American troops land in Vladivostok, Siberia, to participate in the Allied intervention in the Russian Civil War.

- 1945: End of World War II in Europe:

- V-E Day: Victory in Europe Day (V-E Day) is celebrated as Nazi Germany unconditionally surrenders to the Allied forces, marking the official end of World War II in Europe.

- 1970: Nixon Announces Cambodia Invasion: U.S. President Richard Nixon announces the expansion of the Vietnam War into Cambodia, sparking widespread protests.

- 1972: Munich Massacre: Eight Palestinian terrorists kill 11 Israeli athletes and a German police officer during the Olympic Games in Munich, Germany.

- 1992: South Africa Votes to End Apartheid: In a historic referendum, South Africa overwhelmingly votes to end apartheid, the system of racial segregation that had dominated the country for decades.

- 1999: Bombings in Belgrade: NATO forces launch airstrikes against Belgrade, Serbia, in an attempt to end the Kosovo War.

Celebrations and Observances:

- Victory in Europe Day (V-E Day): Commemorated in many European countries to mark the defeat of Nazi Germany in World War II.

- World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day: Celebrated by the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, recognizing the work of volunteers and professionals who provide humanitarian aid worldwide.

Other Notable Events:

- 1873: Panic of 1873 Begins: The Panic of 1873, a significant financial crisis in the United States, began with the failure of the New York banking firm Jay Cooke & Co.

- 1924: Mount Everest Expedition: British explorers George Mallory and Andrew Irvine attempt to be the first to summit Mount Everest but disappear on the mountain, their fate remains a mystery.


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