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420K+ Views
Russia invites Palestine-related groups to the Munich Security Conference in Moscow.

The prime minister of the Palestinian Authority (PA) claims that Russia has invited Palestinian groups to a meeting on February 26 in Moscow and that the PA is prepared to negotiate with Hamas. Russia invites all Palestinian factions to the summit that will take place in Moscow on the 26th of this month. At the Munich Security Conference, Mohammad Shtayyeh said, "We will see if Hamas is ready to come to the ground with us." "We are prepared to interact. It's a different story if Hamas is not. He stated, "We need Palestinian unity," adding that Hamas has to fulfill specific requirements to be included in that unity. International leaders have pushed Israel to let in desperately needed relief supplies into Gaza. According to Shtayyeh, while European nations today have differing opinions, they all agree that hostilities must be immediately stopped.

#munichsecurityconference #mohammadshtayyeh #palestine


314K+ Views
According to a recent poll, support for the UK Conservatives is at its lowest point in 46 years.

An opinion poll released on Monday shows that as a general election approaches, support for the ruling Conservative Party has dropped to its lowest point in more than 40 years.

#uk #tories #conservativeparty


136K+ Views
Knife assault on Sydney retail complex results in several injuries

At an Australian shopping center in Sydney, a man brandished a knife and attacked people, injuring numerous others and maybe killing a few, according to reports.


123K+ Views
North Korea has bioweapons, according to the US, posing a new threat.

North Korea is developing biological weapons through genetic engineering, according to an assessment conducted by the United States. North Korea has access to smallpox and anthrax-causing germs and viruses. Is the Hermit Kingdom going to utilize them for biowarfare?

#northkorea #biologicalweapons #usnews


455K+ Views
A tour of the Gaza hospital illustrates the damage caused by the Israeli military.

Israeli forces have left behind graffiti and rubble at the demolished Sheikh Hamad Hospital in Gaza.


69K+ Views
Biden threatens Israel's weapons supply if it begins an assault on Rafah.

US President Joe Biden has threatened to cut off Israel's supply of weaponry if it launches a large-scale attack on Rafah. For weeks, Washington has pressed Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu not to send troops into the city in Gaza's south, where more than one and a half million displaced Palestinians have sought sanctuary.

#rafah #unitedstates #netanyahu


436K+ Views
Breakdown in Atlantic Ocean circulation is imminent: Research | Climate Change

The effects of climate change are becoming more and more apparent every day. The planet is exhibiting signs of deterioration; the oceans are changing dramatically; temperatures are rising, and circulation is becoming erratic. The circulation of the Atlantic Ocean may eventually collapse, according to research. Watch to find out more!

#climatechange #ocean #atlanticocean


359K+ Views
China: Robot dogs are more proficient shooters

Amidst the intensifying global arms race, numerous nations are investing substantially in defense technologies. During testing, Chinese scientists discovered that robotic dogs can fire a machine pistol with the precision of a professional shooter. Keep an eye out for additional information!

#robotdog #robot #china


95K+ Views
Russia tries to obstruct US military supplies to Ukraine in the conflict between the two countries.

Although Ukraine is excitedly awaiting the much-delayed military aid from the US, Moscow is threatening to disrupt its military supplies in advance of a planned new Russian offensive. According to Ukraine, Moscow is stepping up its attacks on railroads in an attempt to obstruct the delivery of relief supplies. Keep an eye out for additional information!

#russiaukrainewar #ukraineaid #usaid


309K+ Views
Political liberties in Hong Kong: Opposition activists worry about a new security bill

With worries that it would endanger human rights and move Hong Kong closer to China, the contentious Article 23 is currently being discussed in the Legislative Council of Hong Kong. Proponents of the proposed bill have already ignited rallies and met strong criticism, claiming that it could jeopardize free expression and civic liberties. The discussion comes as tensions between the Chinese government and the pro-democracy movement are rising, which is concerning for Hong Kong's independence and future.

#hongkong #politicalrights #oppositionactivists


570K+ Views
Iran is accused of a territorial attack by Pakistan, which has summoned Tehran's senior diplomat to Islamabad.

Iran's top diplomat has been called to Pakistan in Islamabad due to what the country regards as an unjustified breach of its airspace. At least two children were killed when a missile fired by Tehran landed in the Balochistan area of Pakistan. According to Iran, the "Jaish al-Adl group's" headquarters was the target. They are held accountable for multiple deliberate assaults on security personnel throughout the years.

#pakistan #iran #iranmissleattack


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Full Face of viral Makeup #beautytips #makeuptips