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424K+ Views
Threats from malnutrition to polar bears due to melting Arctic sea ice
Many polar bears must adjust their meals throughout portions of the summer as a result of the Arctic sea ice decreasing due to climate change. According to a study, polar bears in Hudson Bay may be starving.

#polarbear #arcticsea #climatechange


313K+ Views
Heavy rain and snowfall in Northwestern Pakistan caused a landslide that claimed almost 40 lives.

Pakistan's recent heavy snowfall has caused a fatal landslide, underscoring the nation's susceptibility to the consequences of climate change and the pressing need for improved urban design. Several people lost their lives in the tragedy, which also severely damaged property and infrastructure and forced many more to flee. Experts are urging quick action to lessen the effects of climate change and protect vulnerable people as Pakistan struggles to cope with its effects.

#pakistanlandslide #northwesterntragedy #snowfalldisaster


439K+ Views
The UK-based JET lab makes a significant advancement in nuclear fusion.

Harnessing energy through nuclear fusion has been the ultimate goal for the energy industry. This is the only way that mankind might be able to escape the grip of fossil fuels that are escalating the climatic catastrophe. European experts celebrate this extraordinary achievement as the UK-based Jet lab achieves a significant nuclear fusion breakthrough. The accomplishment of atomic fusion will advance the goal of clean energy. Watch to find out more!

#nuclearfusion #eu #uk


313K+ Views
The Bengaluru jail radicalization investigation involves 17 raids conducted by the NIA in 7 states.

Synchronous raids are being conducted in seven states by the National Investigation Agency of India. March saw 17 establishments across seven states targeted by NIA operations. According to its investigation, the raids are related to the radicalization case at the Bengaluru prison. Describe the radicalization case involving the Bengaluru prison.

#nia #india #bengaluru


77K+ Views
Battles on the Myanmar border: Rebels and the junta clash for control of crucial town.

The struggle for Myanmar's border town of Myawaddy has been raging for three weeks. The rebels and the military are fighting for control of the area.

#myanmar #myanmararmy #myanmarrebels


359K+ Views
The High Court deemed the Northern Ireland Troubles Act to violate human rights.

Due to a recent verdict in Northern Ireland, the statute that granted prior perpetrators amnesty was judged to violate victims' rights, which has produced uncertainty for them. Many are now questioning what the future holds for those previously believed to be protected in light of this judgment.


56K+ Views
The court rejected the Australian attempt to ban social media content on X.

In a judicial struggle with worldwide repercussions, Elon Musk's social media platform X has been granted a reprieve in Australia. The Australian government has demanded that violent video footage from a stabbing attack in Sydney be removed. X initially obliged Australian viewers but refused to delete it globally, resulting in a free speech argument.

#australia #elonmusk


464K+ Views
#palestine #occupiedwestbank #israel

NGO alerts about the increase in unlawful Israeli land acquisitions in the occupied West Bank

According to Peace Now, an Israeli rights organization, Israel is grabbing some of the most territory in the occupied West Bank since 1967. Israel's army is threatening two well-known and historically important locations by obstructing access and facilitating the growth of illegal settlements.


360K+ Views
Web Summit in Qatar, 2024

With over 1,000 businesses, 80+ nations, and 500+ investors, Web Summit Qatar is poised to be a game-changer with a $1 billion QIA investment. For entrepreneurs worldwide, this is an exciting and inclusive opportunity as it showcases a broad range of women-led impact enterprises
#websummit #qatar #startupinvestment #womeninbusiness #impactstartups #globalbusiness #websummitqatar


197K+ Views
According to a UK study, vaping is unhealthy.

Researchers have found that vapers experience DNA alterations that are comparable to those experienced by smokers who get cancer. See to learn more.

#vaping #smoking #latestnews


358K+ Views
Unrest in Chad: A military dictator announces a bid for president

The late President Idriss Deby's son, Mohamed Deby, has denied that he intended to run for office after his father passed away. The denial coincides with information surfacing about security raids on opposition offices in Chad that resulted in the former leader's murder. With Mohamed Deby leading a military council, the situation in Chad is still tricky.

#chadunrest #militaryrule #presidentialrun


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Full Face of viral Makeup #beautytips #makeuptips