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What Would Happen If We Dug A Hole All The Way To The Other Side Of The Earth! #nature and #discoveries


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#29thfebruary #onthisday #history

February 29th, occurring only once every four years due to leap year adjustments, presents a unique historical landscape with some notable events, cultural celebrations, and individual achievements woven across the globe. Here's a glimpse into what this special day offers:

Echoes from the Past:

• 1468: Pope Paul II issues the papal bull "Dum Diversas," condemning usury and reaffirming the Catholic Church's stance against the practice.

• 1504: Christopher Columbus departs on his fourth and final voyage to the Americas.

• 1724: Gioachino Rossini, the renowned Italian composer, is born, paving the way for iconic operas like "The Barber of Seville" and "William Tell."

• 1792: Gustav III, the king of Sweden, is fatally shot during a masquerade ball, leaving a lasting impact on Swedish history.

• 1848: The Mexican-American War officially ended with the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, ceding vast territories from Mexico to the United States.

• 1908: William Howard Taft becomes the 27th President of the United States.

• 1960: The Moroccan Uprising erupts, leading to the end of the French protectorate and Morocco's formal independence.

• 1992: The Maastricht Treaty is signed, marking a significant step towards European economic and political integration.
Beyond Borders: Celebrations and Tributes:

• International Rare Disease Day: A global campaign raising awareness and advocating for the millions of people living with rare diseases.
• Scotland: Celtic Music Day: A celebration of the rich musical heritage and traditions of Celtic cultures, featuring lively performances and cultural activities.

• Greece: Apokries (Carnivale): A pre-Lenten celebration filled with colorful costumes, parades, and festive spirit, culminating with "Clean Monday" on the following day.

Individual Achievements:

• 1712: The iconic Venetian polymath and adventurer Giacomo Casanova was born.

• 1811: Frédéric Chopin, the Polish composer and pianist, enters the world, leaving a timeless legacy of musical brilliance.

• 1920: Billie Holiday, the legendary jazz singer, is born, known for her captivating voice and iconic recordings like "Strange Fruit" and "God Bless the Child."

Uniqueness of Leap Year:

• February 29th's infrequency adds a unique layer to its historical tapestry. Events and individuals born on this date share a special connection due to their limited occurrences.


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Is Somalia able to defeat al-Shabab in its war?

Deputy Prime Minister of Somalia Salah Ahmed Jama and Marc Lamont Hill discuss the war against al-Shabab and the issues confronting his nation. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, the president of Somalia, announced a "total war" against al-Shabab in August 2022. Although there are still obstacles to overcome, Somalia claims that its efforts to combat the group are progressing. A diplomatic crisis has arisen between the nation and Ethiopia regarding the breakaway province of Somaliland. Domestically, Somalia is struggling with a number of issues, including as starvation, the growing consequences of climate change, and refugee crises, despite some progress. Can Somalia manage an increasingly complex crisis on several fronts? is the unanswered issue. And what does the nation's future hold? This week on UpFront, Marc Lamont Hill discusses the present and future of Somalia with the country's deputy prime minister, Salah Ahmed Jama.


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Israel attacks crowded downtown Gaza, killing eight Palestinian policemen.

At least 38 Palestinians were murdered in Gaza on Tuesday. They include eight Palestinian policemen killed in an Israeli air attack on their vehicle in Deir Al Balah.

#gaza #palestine #israeliairstrike


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